Hi all,
I created a new title field in a single type that was already published, but I can't fetch using this field in my query.
To test this field, I opened https://my-projec-dev.prismic.io/graphql (sample url), then paste the query and run that without errors there, even the new field was been returned properly with its respective values.
After this test, I ran the exactly same query, in my app, using a custom fetch and I got the following error:
Cannot query field 'action_label' on type 'HomeBodyWorksFields'. (line 20, column 17):
Error: Failed to fetch API
To ensure the fetch is right, I copied the url provided to that and paste in a browser, it opens the graphql explorer with the exact same query, and it works in grapql explorer but not by fetch! Why?!
Here's the fetch solution I'm using:
const url = `${PRISMIC_GQL_ENDPOINT}?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}&variables=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ ...rest, lang }))}`
const res = await fetch(url,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': lang,
'Prismic-Ref': ref ?? PRIMISC_CLIENT_ID,
Authorization: `Token ${PRISMIC_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
At all, I'm using graphql api to avoid make additional fetch to get details of relationships and I really like to continue using Prismic as CMS. If this doesn't work or been stable enough for production I have to change many of my clients projects to other Headless CMS solution unfortunately.