Graphql errors for several days

Hi we experiance 500 errors on our grapql queries.


"errors": [
"message": "Cannot read property 'fullpage' of undefined",
"path": [
"extensions": {
"serviceName": "prismic",
"query": "query($uid:String!$lang:String!){content:fullpage(uid:$uid lang:$lang){sticky_button_enabled}}",
"variables": {
"uid": "gezien-in-vtwonen",
"lang": "nl-nl"
"data": {
"content": null

query getFullpage($uid: String!, $lang: String!) {
content: fullpage(uid: $uid, lang: $lang) {

Query Parameters:
"uid": "gezien-in-vtwonen",
"lang": "nl-nl"

Hi Magento,

Welcome back to the prismic community,

Well, have you tried to query your content directly from the GraphQL browser?

Looking forward to your reply,

Yes and we are getting the response as documented.

Ok, In fact, in order to be able to reproduce the issue and debug it on my side, I would need your repository name (I'm not able to extract it from your query is it "fkkiamalmpiidkljmicmjfbieiclmeij").

We are querying Through an Apollo gateway

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Hi Magento,

I apologize for the delay. May I know if you still have this issue? Otherwise, can you share the solution that will be really beneficial to the community?

Let us know if you still need help,

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