Is it possible to fetch documents are linked to a non-linked document?

I have product type that have content relationship to a category type.
:white_check_mark: I can fetch category using fetchLinks when getting all product documents.
:question: Can I get product documents when getting all category documents?

Hi @codyslexia, they only way you would be able to get product document data in the same query as your category documents would be if you had a content relationship field in your category documents connecting to product documents. Since you already have the link the other way, I wouldn't recommend doing this because you would have to manage all your connections in two different places, which is not ideal.

What I would recommend is making a 2nd query to retrieve your product documents. You can query documents using the document ID of a content relationship field.

@Levi Thanks for the clarification, but something like an O2M relation support would be nice.

Btw I can't access Slack link (the link you embedded)

Oops, sorry, I added the wrong link. I corrected it above and will also provide it here: