Hey, Prismic team! We've been powering Arcadia.com through Prismic for over a year now and we're looking to migrate our blog content (powered through Forestry.io) to Prismic via a unified content repo. Ideally, we could automate most of the content migration so that content teams don't have to recreate blog posts one-by-one.
Is there any documentation on the best way(s) of doing this? It seems that import/export might be a feasible option, but I'd love to see documentation/guidance applied to my specific use case rather than reference-style how-to. Can anyone advise and/or point me in the right direction?
@Pau: I understand that you don't have migration tools; I'm asking whether you have use-case-specific documentation for the import/export feature—anything beyond the very basic import/export overview doc.
@dan.duett Me again - Not Forestry, but this script allows you to migrate Wordpress to Prismic - you could potentially adjust the code to work with Forestry data