Migrating Legacy Slices


  • Will I have to migrate all my legacy slices over at some point or can I continue to keep a mix of legacy and new ones?

My understanding

  • I understand the impact is only that if I want to modify a legacy slice like to add another field, I have to add it in the local json file of the custom type then push the changes to Prismic. Is this correct?

Where I am

  • I've started upgrading / migrating slices.
  • I don't have a Prismic test environment so when I push to Prismic, the migrated slices impact the whole website immediately.
  • They have been working fine so far. I have done it for a few of the ones that I use less. At first I thought I wanted to migrated all over to be completely off everything legacy, but it scares me a bit.


"next": "13.3",
"slice-machine-ui": "2.5.0",
"@slicemachine/adapter-next": "0.3.47",
"@prismicio/client": "7.8.0",
"@prismicio/next": "1.6.0",
"@prismicio/react": "2.8.0",

Hey @anne.shackelford, for now, the legacy builder is still available, but please note our official stance:

Technically, as you've seen, you can currently use both the legacy builder and Slice Machine if your repository supports it. However, we strongly discourage mixing the two builders as it can lead to conflicts and breaking errors.

Our recommendation is to fully migrate to Slice Machine to avoid any potential issues and ensure a consistent workflow.