Multiple Slice Zones in one document


I was wondering if it is possible to have multiple Slice Zones in one type (document) with Slice Machine (v0.6.1). I am using Nuxt 2.15.8.

The idea would be you have some static content, then a Slice Zone and then some more static content and then another Slice Zone after that.

I think in the old way (without Slice Machine) you could directly go into the JSON and edit it so there were multiple Slice Zones. However I can't seem to replicate it through the JSON that is output via Slice Machine. Is there a way to do this the "Slice Machine way"?

Thanks in advance for any help :sweat_smile:

My JSON looks like this:

    "Page": {
      "uid": {
        "type": "UID",
        "config": {
          "label": "URL Path ID",
          "placeholder": "e.g. /for-agencies"
      "page_image_1": {
        "type": "Image",
        "config": {
          "label": "Page Image 1",
          "constraint": {
            "width": 1248,
            "height": 1680
          "thumbnails": []
      "header_slices": {
        "type": "Slices",
        "fieldset": "Slice Zone 1",
        "config": {
          "choices": {
            "card_hero_slice": {
              "type": "SharedSlice"
      "page_image_2": {
        "type": "Image",
        "config": {
          "label": "Page Image 2",
          "constraint": {
            "width": 1248,
            "height": 1680
          "thumbnails": []
      "page_slices": {
        "type": "Slices",
        "fieldset": "Slice Zone 2",
        "config": {
          "choices": {
            "another_slice_here": {
              "type": "SharedSlice"

Hey Gavin,

Yes you can, but you need to split the content into multiple tabs (one slice zone per tab)