Placeholder component for hero_box not showing in slice machine simulator

Hi im tryin to query the content from my defined slice machine. Following your new tutorial i have the problem that i get the messsage ---> Placeholder component for hero_box (variation: default) Slices <-- but why the mock data is not showing ? Same Problem is when i push all to prismic and try to use the preview. Im using Nuxt 3 for development./ Version 1.21.1 of Slicemachine

Can you tell me what i´m doing wrong ?

Cheers Alex

Hi Alexander,

In Slice Machine you'll see some suggested code snippets. You'll need to update your Slice component file in your project to start seeing mock. The code for your components will always need update, Slice Machine does not do this for you.

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Ooooh now I see what you mean. :innocent: :rofl:

Alright then it works fine just adding the code snippet on the right place :)

Thanx Phil

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