Preview reqest fails

Describe your question/issue in detail

In page builder I press Preview the page and expect to be redirected to preview page. Instead request to /core/previews/session/draft? fails with 404 error "Missing documentId"


Impacted feature

Page preview

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

If I change query params of request to use documentId instead of document and versionId instead of version I can access preview page.

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Same issue across all my repositories. Hope they fix this soon.

Hi @bogdan.muranets , thanks for raising the issue. The team is investigating and will get back to you shortly when we have a timeline for a fix.


Hi @Christopotamus / @bogdan.muranets this should now be fixed. Let me know if you are still having issues.


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Thanks for letting us know! I happened to test previews yesterday and it is working now.