I followed the tutorial on creating a two-level nested menu how to model a second-level nested submenu in my Next.js project.
Additionally, I read through the thread on Mega menu and the documentation on GraphQuery API.
Despite reading through all these resources, I still encounter difficulties in fetching data from related documents using GraphQuery
Here's the structure of my project (almost identical to the tutorial except the structure of Submenu
custom type document ):
Layout (singular custom document)
- Header (Tab)
- MenuItem (slice with 2 variations)
- Default (variation 1: menu without submenu)
- WithSubmenu (variation 2)
- Submenu (content relationship field, linked to a reusable custom type called Submenu)
Submenu (reusable custom type)
- Main (Tab)
- UID field
- Key text field
- Dates (Tab)
- Group field
My Next.js
project structure :
- App
- components
- Header.tsx (parent)
- Navigation.tsx (child)
- getData.tsx
I attempt to retrieve data in getDatas.tsx
import { createClient } from "@/prismicio"
export async function getLayoutData() {
const client = createClient();
const layoutData = await client.getSingle('layout', {
layout {
...on menu_item{
variation {
...on withSubmenu{
primary {
...on submenu{
return layoutData;
In Header.tsx, I attempt to fetch the data, but I'm unable to access the Submenu content relationship field:
import { getLayoutData } from "@/app/getDatas";
export default async function Header() {
const layoutdata = await getLayoutData();
// Here I want to expand the data to see if the query worked, but I can't access the submenu's data
layoutdata.data.slices.map((item, index)=>{
return (
<Navigation layoutdata={layoutdata} />
the console.log
will return my submenu document's data, but I don't have access to it:
id: 'ZjO96BIAAKpJ5s5q',
type: 'submenu',
tags: [],
lang: 'fr-fr',
slug: '-',
first_publication_date: '2024-05-02T16:23:37+0000',
last_publication_date: '2024-05-02T16:24:36+0000',
uid: 'travaux_submenu',
data: {
all: 'all',
date: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
uid: 'travaux_submenu',
link_type: 'Document',
isBroken: false
What I hope to get is something like this : console.log(item.primary.submenu.data.uid)
But the only option below item.primary.submenu
is link_type
, seems like I didn't well destructured the data inside the graphQuery, but my developper tool didn't throw any error at that part, I don't quite understand.
Thanks for the hlep!