React PrismicLink component causing error when not set (on local dev environment)

I am using Prismic in combination with Next.js to build a marketing website.

After making some changes to the content from the Prismic UI, I encountered some problems on my development environment.

I have a slice with a title, description, ctaUrl, ctaLabel and image.
After updating the content I am getting the following error:

[PrismicLink] This "field" prop value caused an error to be thrown.
{ link_type: 'Any' }
Error: [PrismicLink] The provided field is missing required properties to properly render a link. The link may not render. For more details, see

The strange thing is that his only happens locally and not after building the site on vercel, which looks at the same data source.

The error doesn't occur when I remove the link from the slice.

When looking at the response from the query to Prismic I am getting back the link_type: 'Any' for empty links. It seems like the component is expecting more, which is not available due to the empty link field.[1].primary.ctaUrl { link_type: 'Any' }[2].primary.ctaUrl { link_type: 'Any' }[3].primary.ctaUrl { link_type: 'Any' }[4].primary {
  title: [
      type: 'heading1',
      text: 'Title text',
      spans: []
  description: [],
  link: {
    id: 'YnGv_hcAACkAatST',
    type: 'page',
    tags: [],
    lang: 'nl-nl',
    slug: 'time-to-get-in-touch',
    first_publication_date: '2022-05-03T22:44:26+0000',
    last_publication_date: '2022-06-07T11:05:05+0000',
    uid: 'contact',
    url: '/contact',
    link_type: 'Document',
    isBroken: false
  linkLabel: 'Contact us',
  image: {
    dimensions: { width: 1925, height: 1025 },
    alt: null,
    copyright: null,
    url: ',format'

In the slice I was previously checking if the link is available by checking for the entire field:

{slice?.primary?.ctaUrl && (
    className="inline-flex rounded-md border border-transparent bg-sg-grey-2 px-4 py-2 text-base font-medium text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-sg-grey-4"

However, as a workaround I need to check if the url on the field exists, as this is available for document, media or web links.

{slice?.primary?.ctaUrl?.url && (
    className="inline-flex rounded-md border border-transparent bg-sg-grey-2 px-4 py-2 text-base font-medium text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-sg-grey-4"

Is this something on purpose, or did something on my environment change for this to happen?

Related discussion on Github - PrismicLink output if not enough attributes are passed in · Issue #150 · prismicio/prismic-react · GitHub

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Hello @moorenmike

It seems the issue has been merged and published in @prismicio/react@v2.4.2.To update, install the latest version:

npm install @prismicio/react@latest

Could you update and let us know if it fixes the issue?


Hi @Priyanka ,

Thanks for your reply.
It looks like the issue that causes the page to crash has been resolved.
The error still appears in the console though:

[PrismicLink] The provided field is missing required properties to properly render a link. The link may not render correctly. For more details, see { link_type: 'Any' }


@moorenmike I'm not sure why you're still seeing this warning if the error isn't there. I'll send this to the dev team so they can take a look