Set a maximum for repeatable elements in group


Due to strict design rules, we'd like the possibility to limit the number of elements within a repeatable group.We can limit them in the backend, but I can already imagine I'll get bug reports complaining if not all the entries added in the CMS are displayed.
I found this - Prismic - set a maximum for repeatable elements in group - Stack Overflow posted some time ago, but couldn't find any follow up.
Is there a plan for this to be implemented in the near future.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Pedro,

Welcome to the community!

Field validation or required fields is not something we plan to implement in the near future. We discuss this at more length here.


Having no ability to limit the number of repeatable items isn't a deal breaker but it is problematic. Things like features/pillars that are common to just about every marketing website in existence tend to break the design when they try to add a second row.

Hi Ian,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

This concept falls under the 'Field validation or required fields' discussion that we linked above.

The approach we recommend is to create cases for your Slice's code to handle the extra items so the project doesn't break.

If you have a project that you need help doing this in, don't hesitate to craete a new topic and we can help you build that.

Thanks :slight_smile: