Uncompressed JavaScript and CSS files From Semrush

Dear, I am using Semrush Audit Tool and it says prismic.js is not compressed.
Could you please help me on that problem?

Hi @mwang,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Have you checked with something other than Semrush Audit Tool? We've had a look, and the file appears both gzip compressed and minified. We've also checked on our website repository, both in terminal/by inspecting in Arc and same thing, compressed and minified.

Other online tools are confirming this: Check GZIP Compression - Test if GZIP is enabled on Website, and GZIP Compression Test | GiftOfSpeed.

Hi Ezekiel,

Thank you for the response. I will check again on my side.

Hi @Ezekiel,

I checked the file using the tool you shared but I doesn't make sense to me. It says -Infinity% are compressed and I don't know what it means. Do you think the value is as expected?

That value isn't expected, it looks like this tool isn't working quite as it should. The best way you can verify this is to just check in terminal or browser directly, then you'll get the raw data :slight_smile: