UNHANDLED REJECTION Failed to download https://images.prismic.io

This is pretty urgent. We are running into issues with Prismic images and we cant work on this project today. Gatsby develop or build fail with a lot of messages like this:

UNHANDLED REJECTION Failed to download image after 3 attempts.

There are several error messages like this. We are on plan medium.

I think this might be related to the other issue. So again mixing imgix with Gatsby image. Is this happening on Preview?

Maybe @Pau you've seen this before?

We solved it for now.

In gatsby-source-prismic, we needed to enable:
shouldDownloadImage: ({ node, key, value }) => {
return false

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Hey @rootdev!

Glad you were able to figure this out.
Yes, you need to add shouldDownloadImage if you're still using the gatsby-transformer-sharp instead of Imgix to create image transformations.

Let us know if you need help with anything else

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