Webhook is not working for my live site


I am straightforward with my question. If I am deploying my app using vercel, I have a solution to create a webhook for uploading/updating changes to the vercel app i.e using this URL (https://api.vercel.com/v1/integrations/deploy/xxxxxxxx).
but, Right now my app is loaded on a respective domain for example, (https://example.com/), in this what can I put in prismic webhook for updating/uploading the latest prismic changes to the live site?

PS: I have successfully fired vercel webhook with 201 success status.

Please look into this, it is important to step for me.

Thanks in advance,
Crystal TechnoLab

Hey @crystaltechnolab2016 welcome to the Community

I think what you need is to add Custom domain redirects to your deployed project on Vercel.
Because the URLs you use to trigger the builds are different, they are Deploy hook URLs and branches of your Github or Bitbucket repository

You're not getting my point, Let me tell you via image.
There is 2 scenario, let me explain one by one to conclude my issue.

1st one, I am using Vercel as development deploys for prismic updated changes, as they provide token and API vercel URL. we just add it into Prismic WebHook and trigger it. so the latest changes will reflect on the vercel deploy URL. (Please see the below image)

2nd along with my issue,
For now, I have my own domain let say, xyz.com okay? So my site is live on https://xyz.com/.
Now, if I am changing some content on Prismic. so I have to trigger webhook right? now my question is which URL I need to add as a webhook URL to reflect the latest changes of prismic which I made is on my live/production Site. (Please see the below image)

Hey @crystaltechnolab2016, thanks for the details.

If you need to rebuild your production branch, you'll need to add the production environment build URL to the 'production webhook' in your repository, then if your Vercel deployment is already connected to your custom domain, in your case. https://xyz.com/ should do the rebuild automatically.

Here are some useful resources from the official Vercel docs that you might find helpful:

Hi @Pau

Sorry to say that I had already added my build URL to the "Production webhook" in my Repo.
but unfortunately, the webhook is successfully triggered but changes are not reflected on the live site.
About vercel+domain, I did it but vercel generated errors as below.

by the way, I have already go through the documents which you shared earlier, as you shared again in the last reply. let me inform you it is not really working in my case.

Hoping for a quick solution as soon as possible. because due to this my whole project is in a danger zone. Please help me.

Thank you,

I see. I'm going to try it out myself and tell you what I find. I'll keep you updated.


Okay, @Pau. I am waiting for your positive response.

Hey, @crystaltechnolab2016, I just did a test with a custom domain, a build hook URL from Vercel, and a Prismic Webhook, and everything works without a problem.

After I changed one of my documents on Prismic, the webhook triggered a build, and it was ready after 27 seconds; after that, it took about 10 seconds for the change to be reflected on the Custom domain I added to Vercel.

Maybe there's an issue with your Custom domain configuration in the hosting platform and not in Vercel or Prismic. Have you added the correct DNS configuration in the site where you bought the domain?

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