Webhook to Amplify returning 405 error


our app is still experiencing this issue, and what the webhook returns is 405 as the response header. We have deployed the app on amplify and I have this script in my build script

"scripts": {
    "build": "rm -rf .next/cache/fetch-cache && next build",

Please also find below my dependencies
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 09.49.01

Please help, Thanks

Hi @nimbussp ,

405 means the method isn't allowed - ie: the type of request isn't allowed (GET,POST etc).

The revalidate route via Prismic webhooks requires a POST and it looks like Prismic sends a payload along with the request as well. Also make sure you're using /api/ in your route.

If you use anything but a POST to request the script you'll get a 405 instead.

So start with how your calling the revalidate script if its via the Prismic webhook... that should work fine.


Please check the breadcrumb of the above image, I have /api/revalidate

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 11.32.04

And this is my webhook url as well.

I have not had any successful response ever since I setup this webhook

I noticed you are using Amplify and not Vercel. It seems ISR isn’t supported on Amplify: