413 Request Entity Too Large

Hey Vitor,

This request limit is there to insure the stability and performance of the GraphQL API at the moment, but increasing it is logged as a feature request. On the upside we resolved the issue you were having with GraphQuery in the REST API:

See your full request here.

This is a big blocker for us as well. We use GraphQL and have hit our query limit already, and are close to hitting it with our minified query.

This has been an open feature request for almost 2 years and many people have encountered this issue which is blocking a standard Prismic use-case.

Is this on the roadmap, and if so, what is the ETA?

We are very, very close to being blocked on core Prismic functionality, as we are almost at our limit with query length we cannot add the additional slices we require.

Hello @ehyslop, As you've found, the available workaround is to minify the query string. We will work on improving our communication about our GraphQL decisions.

At the moment, we still have no plans to modify the schema. As we have already mentioned before in this same thread, the solution is to enable POST requests. However, it is not something that we have in our priority backlog. Our GraphQL endpoint is currently in beta version.

Hey @Pau

I'd like to point out that using SliceMachine and having slice variants can make queries quite big.
Each variant has the potential to double the Graphql query length for the slice.


Hey @prismic5, thanks for joining the conversation. We'll add your comments to the feature request.

Hello! Just to chime in. We resolved the issue of having too large GET requests to the Graphql endpoint by doing something of this nature:

  1. Make a request for your current document and only get a list of slices used. Then,
  2. Make a request for the document (UID), and a single slice type (will get an array response since there can be more than one of a type)
  3. Stitch it all back together.
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