Today the tool and components are built with Nuxt / Vue. This section is where you can discuss support for other frameworks.
We are currently developing support for Gatsby / React version. So reach out if you have any questions about our support for that or any other modern frameworks
Depending on this page, you have added Svelte as an available framework. Are there any news about Gatsby, knowing that the new page builder is now available on our Prismic dashboard?
Thank you for your answer. However, I'm unable to understand the point to add the new Page Builder if there is no way to use it with every features we could. Unless I'm wrong, we need the Slice Machine to use the Live Preview features on the document editor, so if we keep using Gatsby, we won't be able to use 100% of the features ?
For now we don't want to move to Next or something else, but we would like to have a better content editing xp in spite of that. Hope the Prismic team can try to solve those issues for Gatsby (and other unavailable frameworks) too.
I can relate to your sentiment @pierre . When I found Slicemachine and saw it wasn't an option for me and Gatsby, I was very bummed. Bummed enough to make the switch.
I can also see it from the point of view of what a task it would be try to support every framework that people want to use. I see that people who are not able to use slice-simulator have requested to be rolled back to the legacy editor. This might be your "solution" until you can make the switch to a supported framework.
So yes, Gatsby won't be supported in Slice Machine. This is a decision based on the declining user base of Gatsby and they're own migration of users to Netlify.