Can not find the page in the german location following the instructions

Have found the instruction on how to reveal the used earlier URL (Error: This value is already used by another document - FAQs - Prismic People). Do not understand where I should add language key from the instruction "&lang=*". and how it should look like for german location. Thanks

Hello Alex,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

You need to add the &lang=* parameter in the query URL after the “ref” parameter and before the hashtag (#) in the URL to get filtered results.
For example:

Please find more details here.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hello, Priyanka.
Thanks for your fast response.
I have a search result but it is UID doesn't contain blocked UID. And also I can't do anything with found page.
The search request (blocked UID) doesn't match with search results (see attachment). How can it be fixed?

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