Cannot find integration fields in my project

Hi there!
i was trying to sync my shopify catalog with prismic, and i was looking at the documentation, that says to look under Settings > Integration field but (take a look at the image) i cannot see it on the list. What am i missing?

Screenshot 2023-10-01 alle 21.21.08

I thought it was because i got a free plan running right now, but...again, the documentation says it should be available even in the free plans...

Please Help.

Hi @g.vallarelli,

This feature isn't activated by default. You need to reach out to the Prismic team to have it turned on for your repository. If you let me know the URL for your Prismic repo, I can activate it for you.

If you don't want to share this publicly, you can send me a DM or submit this request via our support portal.

Thank you for activating it.
but seems that i'm not able to use it with slicemachine, but i need to use it with legacy builder. Correct?

Hi Gaetano,

You can use the integration field in a Slice Machine project, but you need to configure it manually. Open the JSON of your type and add these properties in the relevant tab:

  "example_integration_field": {
    "type": "IntegrationFields",
    "config": {
      "catalog": "example-catalogue--example-repo",
      "label": "Example Integration Field",
      "placeholder": "Example placeholder"

The field will appear in Slice Machine, but you won't be able to edit it.
