Changes to internal API/Service Domains - what uses these?

I received an email stating:

*1. Changes to Internal API/Service Domains
To improve the scalability, performance, and security of our internal APIs and services, we are updating our architecture.

Starting November 15, 2024, we will start consolidating our internal APIs and services under one unique subdomain:

What this means for you:
For most users no action is needed but If your project is behind a secure network or VPN with specific domain restrictions, you may need to update your network or VPN policy to allow access to the new domain. If this applies to you, we recommend whitelisting the following domain name: (asterisk)*

What exactly uses these? Is it only the Prismic Dashboard?

Hi @marpu,

Absolutely, this is just our internal API for the Prismic dashboard.

If you have any other questions regarding this change, don't hesitate :slight_smile:


Hi , Does that mean the REST APIs in this documentation are not affected ??Document API Technical Reference - Documentation - Prismic

i.e The APIs starting with:

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That's correct, these won't be affected :slight_smile: