Clarification on "Responsive Views" in Image Field


I’m having difficulty understanding the "Responsive Views" option within the image field. There isn't much documentation on this feature, and the existing explanations aren't very clear. Could you kindly provide a detailed explanation of what "Responsive Views" are used for?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hi @sarieddinekarim63,

If an image is "responsive", it means its size (width/height) will adapt to the size of the screen it's being displayed on. For example, if you display an image on your website, you would want it to appear smaller for someone browsing from their phone than for someone browsing from a computer screen.

In the Prismic Slice Machine, when you add an Image field to a slice, you have the option to define multiple responsive views for that image. Each view specifies a different image size, allowing you to load an appropriately sized image for each device type or screen width.

For example:

  • Mobile View: Load a smaller, optimized image for mobile devices.
  • Tablet View: Load a medium-sized image for tablets.
  • Desktop View: Load a larger image for desktops.

These views can be defined using CSS breakpoints or other size categories depending on your design needs.

Once you’ve set up responsive views, Slice Machine will generate the necessary data in your JSON response. On the frontend, you can use this data to implement responsive image loading (in html this is typically done with srcset).

Keep in mind that this is one way to handle responsive views for images. You could also handle that without configuring the views in Prismic specifically and do it all in your own code.

I hope this clears it up for you, and feel free to ask if you have any questions :slight_smile:


Thank you!

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