Responsive Image in slice is not allowed to be cropped or resize

Hello there,

I have a slice that has a repeatable zone that has an image. When I add content for this slice, there are 10 images of different sizes in terms of width and height which I add in a repeatable zone.
The issue is all the images in the responsive view cannot have the same width and height. From the Custom Type -> Image field, I can set the responsive view of all the images and that height and width are the same for all the images.

Is there any way, I can crop and resize the responsive images, or is it just allowed for the main ( auto * auto ) image?

Hi @kalpesh,

Welcome to the Prismic community.

I'm doing some tests/research and I will let you know as soon as possible.


Hi Kalpesh,

You cannot set arbitrary image sizes in the Prismic document editor, you can only set image views within the Slice model in Slice Machine. The cropping tool in the document editor is only used to set the image within the defined dimensions.
