Copy Content Relationship Fields during Copy to another locale

There is a known limitation in the Copy all documents to another locale action where, if you copy all the documents simultaneously (the documents without links and the documents with content Relationship field links that reference the first ones), the links will disappear.

Below we describe a use case and how you can use a workaround to preserve links to other documents:

Use case: You have two locales, en-us and fr-fr. You have a Custom Type Page and a Custom Type Menu with a Slice listing many Content Relationship field links to Page type documents. You want to copy all documents of type Page and Menu from the en-us locale to the fr-fr locale.

Problem: If you select all documents simultaneously and add them to a release, the Content Relationship field links inside the Menu will be removed.


  1. First, identify "lower" documents. In other words, documents that don't link to anything, in this case, all Page type of documents. Copy them from the en-us to the fr-fr locale and create a release.
  2. Next, copy the Menu type document to the fr-fr locale and add it to the same release where you previously copied all the Page type documents.

If you copy all lower documents in the release to another locale first, you'll be safe to copy documents referring to them in a second batch. All links will be correctly mapped to their translations.