Deploy on Netlify (Prismic + Nuxt3) : index.html is not generated


I can't manage to access my Prismic / Nuxt 3 website on Netlify.
I get a 500 error even if my deployment went well.

Here is my config :

  prismic: {
    endpoint: process.env.PRISMIC_ENDPOINT,
    clientConfig: {
      accessToken: process.env.PRISMIC_TOKEN,
      routes: [
        // Resolves the Homepage document to "/"
          type: 'homepage',
          path: '/',
          type: 'page',
          path: '/:uid',

My webhook is working fine too.

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
The only weird thing I see is that there is no index.html generated in my dist folder on Netlify.

Thanks for your help,


Okay, I've changed my build command from npm run build to npm run generate and it's working fine :slight_smile:

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Hey @dgourdet,

Welcome to the community! You beat us to a solution, well done on figuring it out! And thanks for letting us know, hopefully it helps another user if they're running into a similar issue :slight_smile: