Hi, I am a Growth Marketer in a B2B SaaS company with prior experience as a Data Scientist. I wanted to give you a feedback from a “content creator”/marketer/end user point of view.
To give you more context, we switched from Wordpress with Elementor as a WYSIWYG editor to Prismic a couple of months ago. My content team uses Prismic to publish blog posts, ebooks. They, with the PMM, also works on the product pages. My team (lead gen) creates mainly landing pages. I manage the Prismic project because I am the most tech-savvy guy of the team and I love building websites.
Overall I like the platform, but it lacks a lot of features to make Prismic a CMS that feels great to use for non-tech people and content creators.
Document management
- Folders: Folders would be appreciated. Even though you can filter over custom types or collections, the list of documents feels overwhelming. Having the possibility to organize them in folders would feel much more pleasant to navigate through them.
- Collaboration: we need a comment section where we can tag people to improve content delivery and provide suggestion to other team members easily.
Media library
We have no vision on where is used the images
Feature request: a list within the image panel that shows in which document.s it is used
There is no way to organize the whole library. It is painful to scroll
Need tags/filters for quicker accessibility
The search functionality doesn’t work well: we can’t do a
Feature request: Need a switch view to see items as line or gallery to facilitate navigation
Feature request: Bulking deleting!
Mobile text optimization
As Prismic is today, we can’t differentiate mobile and desktop text experience. I want to break my lines (especially in titles) at different places on desktop and on mobile. As it is now, I can’t do it, which provide a messy mobile reading experience with widow words here and there
Having a tab mobile/desktop would help solve, ideally with an easy way to sync the content
Slice usage in document
Duplicate/Cloning Slice: when creating landing pages or product pages, we happen to use the same slices multiple times within the same page. We lose a lot of time adding over and over the same slice. We would gain a lot of time by having a duplicate button on used slices.
Overview map: pages can be long. And it becomes hard to see
Providing a map access would help with navigation. Example : HubSpot workflow, Zapier, Unbounce
Visual Editor
Having a Slice Zone in the legacy builder would be insane!
Example : [https://dribbble.com/shots/11499656-Storyblok-UI-Visual-Editor/attachments/3118778?mode=media](https://dribbble.com/shots/11499656-Storyblok-UI-Visual-Editor/attachments/3118778?mode=media)
SEO recommandation
SEO is omega important for most, if not all, businesses. When we were using Wordpress, we used Yoast to help my content team with SEO. But Yoast doesn’t work with anything other than Wordpress or Shopify.
Every marketing teams would be grateful to have something to help them with SEO, like Prepr does https://prepr.io/ or Storyblok https://www.storyblok.com/lp/seo-cms
Grouping fields together for better organization
Slices can become very long, and also we’d like to group fields that are related to each other or have the same function
Group or container - Source : ACF
We can’t do any sorting in Prismic. It is really painful stuff not ordered. I will provide you example of stuff easy and quick to fix:
- Slices: it feels bothering the scroll through the slice to get the one I want. It would be way more intuitive to sort them in alphabetical order. Or at least, give the option to the user to choose among them. Or having a search bar would be insane also
- Documents filters items: same. As above. It would feel way more better to see them as being sorted in alphabetical order, for all of them (collection, type, tags, and author)
- Documents: giving the users the possibility the sort the documents by name, by update time, or even status would be it feels good to use
Tag management
There is no way to manage tags properly today. If one wants to delete tag, s.he has to remove it from all documents, which is annoying.
What would be great → having a section in the admin panel to manage them: adding, deleting, renaming, seeing in how many documents they are being used
Translation workflow/multilanguage content management
- What happens when you forget to copy the article in another language? Duplicate content!
- Need 3rd party integration with players like Weglot
Problem: the more languages we have, the more difficult the maintenance becomes without a third party tool. Such tools help save tremendous time
It feels like Prismic is being made for developers, while the users who produce the website content (marketing/growth people) are being left apart.
I hope this feedback will be useful. I’d be happy to discuss further any of the topic I mentioned.