Document Write API

Hey there!

I'm Alaina, a Product Manager at Prismic, and I want to share some exciting news: We've launched our Migration API in Beta!

What is the Migration API?
It's our way of addressing the content migration challenges you've shared with us.
While it's still in its early stages, it already offers:

  • A programmatic approach to creating and updating documents
  • Clear validations and precise error messaging for a smoother migration

Although the Migration API is not designed to encompass all Write API use cases mentioned here, it provides a strong foundation for accommodating more diverse content management needs in the future.

If you want to test out the Migration API, share your experiences, and actively shape its future, sign up for our Beta waitlist!

:point_right: Join the Waitlist

Your insights have been invaluable so far, and we can't wait to see where this collaboration takes us!
Best regards, Alaina

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