Errors occurred while validating your project's slices

[slicemachine] > nextjs-starter-prismic-multi-page@0.0.0 slicemachine
[slicemachine] > start-slicemachine
[next] > nextjs-starter-prismic-multi-page@0.0.0 next:dev
[next] > next
[next] - ready started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
[slicemachine] /Users/msharukkan/Projects/prismic/vuedotai/node_modules/start-slicemachine/dist/StartSliceMachineProcess.cjs:134
[slicemachine]       throw new Error(`Errors occurred while validating your project's slices.
[slicemachine]             ^
[slicemachine] Error: Errors occurred while validating your project's slices.
[slicemachine] Error: Error in `@slicemachine/adapter-next` during `slice-library:read` hook: The following Slice models could not be read: [/Users/msharukkan/Projects/prismic/vuedotai/src/slices/dist/model.json]
[slicemachine]     at StartSliceMachineProcess._validateProject (/Users/msharukkan/Projects/prismic/vuedotai/node_modules/start-slicemachine/dist/StartSliceMachineProcess.cjs:134:13)
[slicemachine]     at async (/Users/msharukkan/Projects/prismic/vuedotai/node_modules/start-slicemachine/dist/StartSliceMachineProcess.cjs:61:5)
[slicemachine] Node.js v20.4.0
[slicemachine] npm run slicemachine exited with code 1

Hi @sharukkan.m ,

Are you sure that a model.json exists in the slices/dist/ folder?


No its not exist. I created the new project and compared the files. In that new project also model.json not exits but working fine

OK, that's the issue here.

SM tries to parse custom types as slices and since @slicemachine/adapter-next@0.3.11 , this generates an error. Before 0.3.11 , SM skipped them. Maybe that’s why you're encountering the issue now.

You'll need a model.json in that Slice's folder. The Slices folder should be maintained only by Slice Machine, so I suggest moving any other unrelated files elsewhere in your project.