Feature Request: Field Description / Notes

Feature Idea (one per thread):

It would be nice to have an extra, optional field when modeling content to provide a more detailed description of the field or some basic instructions for the content creator.

Currently we use the placeholder field to try to relay extra information but often it is not enough space or just not the best fit.

Issue that it solves:

If a field could have a description, that would make the content model self-documenting from developers to content authors.

Currently, we maintain separate documentation that contains specifics of fields, which requires extra work. For example, if a field is optional, we document how that impacts the content. Other examples can be specifying file types or specific dimensions for image fields, or noting a character limit for copy.

By having a description field, all the documentation would live directly in the model.

Edit: Along this same line, having a notes field that was admin-only would also be nice to put at the top of the document. This could be used to provide general information about all the fields.

Screenshot or video of the issue (if applicable):

I made a quick mockup to give an idea what I'm taking about:


Hey, @jmetros,Thanks for the feedback and for using a visual example of the use case, this helps us better understand how you would like to see the feature implemented in the UI!

We have already had conversations about this in the past, a good approach would be to extend the character limit on the placeholder. There are still no plans to modify this, however, I will mark your post as an open feature request so our product team can take it into account.


This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.


I second this, for the same reasons explained above. Would be hugely beneficial to the quality of the experience/service that a developer provides the content creator, especially those who are non-tech-savvy, and it would go nicely with the already easy-to-use, simple UI. Coming from a Shopify background, I use the info fields extensively.

Hey @curtis.burns28, welcome to the community, and thanks for the feedback. We'll consider it for the feature request as well.

Please build this feature! It would be really helpful to document functionality for editors.

@studio2 Thanks for showing your support for this idea! If we move forward with this, we'll post an update here.


I have to third this. Placeholders are often dimmed and can be easily overlooked by the user.

@james0r Thanks for showing your support for this feature. If we move forward with this, we'll post an update here.

Why is the length for the placeholder limited to x chars?

Since there's a missing feature to add a description to a specific field, the placeholder usually works fine, but sometimes it needs a bit more explanation for what a field is used for.

Please do not limit the amount of chars that can be used for a placeholder and/or add a better description field.

@andreas.kratzel Thanks for showing your support for this feature. If we move forward with this, we'll post an update here.


Bumping this thread - are there any plans to move forward with descriptions that are not stuffed into placeholders?

I'm a bit surprised that this feature hasn't been prioritized since nearly all other CMS's we've worked with have field descriptions that are visible even after inputting content.

Hi Daniel,

Welcome to the community!

We are currently focused on rebuilding the editor experience and are evaluating this topic as part of that rebuild, although we do not plan to include this in our first initial release and the next six months.

We hope to have more new features like this releasing soon.
