How is CDN consumption calculated in Prismic?

The CDN bandwidth usage dashboard records the amount of data downloaded by your visitors from our CDN servers.

It can vary based on the amount of content you're serving through Prismic, the traffic you get on your site, and the nature of assets you're hosting on Prismic (i.e., if you're displaying large images or videos from Prismic onto your website, CDN bandwidth will likely go up).

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What causes their CDN or API usage limits?
Why does an SVG cause 5m calls when a png might not?

The overall bandwidth of assets being requested by a website through servers or clients. The bandwidth counts for all the assets + JSON being downloaded through our API.

  • This means that if an SVG of 5MB is downloaded ten times a month by different users, the total bandwidth will be 50MB. To this, we add the bandwidth of JSON for API calls.
  • If a static site generator queries our API for 20 pages that weigh 150KB, the bandwidth related to API calls will be 3MB.
  • At the end of each period, add all Assets + JSON bandwidth to consolidate the total bandwidth consumption.

If a specific SVG is causing 5M calls, it’s because it’s being requested 5M times by the website or users. Meaning that it could be a logo or something present on a lot of pages. An image present on only one page with not a lot of page views will have way fewer downloads.

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