I took the example starter repository for Next.js and Prismic and made a simple multi-language page which shows some news/blog articles on the first page. The code is nearly identical with the code at GitHub - prismicio-community/nextjs-starter-prismic-blog: Blog project with Next.js & Prismic.
When developing local and reloading my start page, I get an hydration error after the page is loaded ("Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.").
I commented a lot of code out to see what triggers this error and I managed to pin it down to a single component.
This is my current code:
import Head from "next/head";
import { PrismicText } from "@prismicio/react";
import { SliceZone } from "@prismicio/react";
import * as prismicH from "@prismicio/helpers";
import { Bounded } from "../components/Bounded";
import { createClient } from "../prismicio";
import { Layout } from "../components/Layout";
import { components } from "../slices";
const dateFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
year: "numeric",
const News = ({ news }) => {
const date = prismicH.asDate(news.data.publishdate);
return (
<li className="font-bold font-josefin text-[18px]">
<div className="mx-auto w-full text-center">
<PrismicText field={news.data.title} />
<SliceZone slices={news.data.slices} components={components} />
const Index = ({ page, navigation, footerNavigation, settings, news }) => {
return (
<div className="flex justify-center md:mt-[700px] md:mb-60">
<h1 className="text-[80px] font-sunday">News</h1>
<Bounded yPadding="sm" className="py-4 md:py-4">
<ul className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-16">
{news.map((news) => (
<News key={news.id} news={news} />
export default Index;
export async function getStaticProps({ locale, previewData }) {
const client = createClient({ previewData });
const page = await client.getByUID("page", "home", { lang: locale });
const navigation = await client.getSingle("navigation", { lang: locale });
const footerNavigation = await client.getSingle("footernavigation", {
lang: locale,
const settings = await client.getSingle("settings", { lang: locale });
const news = await client.getAllByType("news", {
lang: locale,
orderings: [{ field: "my.news.publishdate", direction: "desc" }],
return {
props: {
The "news" articles are passed to the Index
component, which maps over the news, shows the News
component which makes use of a SliceZone
to pass all slices.
If I comment out the <SliceZone slices={news.data.slices} components={components} />
, the hydration error is gone. This component is part of the @prismicio/react
lib, so I'm not sure how I can proceed now.
Any suggestions on how to debug this now?