ICYMI: The Latest Improvements to your Prismic Workflow
Over the last 6 months we’ve released several updates to Prismic and Slice Machine designed specifically to improve your workflow and we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss any of them. Below you’ll find improved UX, more efficient processes, as well as new and improved overall functionality.
Take a look and be sure to let us know what you think in this thread.
Want to keep track of what else we are working on or request something in particular? Head over to Prismic.io/progress to connect with the team and track our progress.
TypeScript Support (#1 Requested Feature Last Year!)
We have TypeScript support in Slice Machine! Slice Machine now automatically generates types when you create, update, or rename a Slice or a Custom Type. To use this new feature, make sure you have @prismicio/types
installed. This has been our most requested feature, and so far we’ve gotten fantastic feedback from the community on this update.
Slice Machine TypeScript documentation
Slice Screenshot Management
We've improved Slice screenshots! It’s never been easier to show content editors what each Slice looks like.
To facilitate screenshots, we made the process seamless on the Slice Machine side. To that end, we've made the following improvements:
- You can take or drag and drop screenshots from the Slices list
- You can take or drag and drop screenshots from the Changes page
- You can take or drag and drop screenshots per Slice variation in the new screenshots modal
- You can take automatic screenshots from inside the simulator
- You can set custom height and width for your screenshots in the simulator
- You will see warnings for missing screenshots
Be sure to share your experiences here in the forum once you've given this a try!
Edit your Mocks in Slice Simulator +
Link and Date Field updates!
Edit your mocks directly in the Slice Machine to make them look closer to what you want in production and test edge cases! We’ve added an editor that will enable you to change the content of your slice. With this feature, any changes you make in the editor will update on the slice in real time so you can see your changes as you make them. We've launched with the following fields:
- Rich Text field with bold, italic, bullet list, numbered list, heading, code block, and right-to-left
- Image field with the ability to crop
- Select field
- Key text field
- Number field
- Boolean field
- Title field
- Repeatable Zone
- Link field (new!)
- Data field (new!)
Release Notes (Includes a video walkthrough from our Meetup!)
Progress Page Announcement (Edit Your Mocks)
Progress Page Announcement (Link and Data Field)
Easily Set Up your Slice Preview Environment
With this new release, we are easing the setup flow to make your way to the Slice Simulator and minimize your context-switching. In particular, you won’t have to make back and forth with your repository to input data. Just focus on your code, and the visual rendering. You also find that handling errors has been simplified so that you can understand when something went wrong previewing your Slices.
As you can see, we've been busy! If you have a questions or feedback, be sure to drop them in this thread. If you found this rundown helpful, let us know and we'll keep doing these.
Lastly, if you have an idea about what we should work on next or want to lend your voice to something we are already working on, be sure to visit Prismic.io/progress! You can submit requests, follow features, and get updates on when we open applications for Early Access.
I can't wait to see what you build with all these new features!