Hi there,
Since importing and exporting content is such a crucial part of a data-driven like Prismic, I don‘t see why I would have to upgrade to a more expensive plan to do so. For smaller websites, I cannot justify the upgrade price for such a basic feature.
I love working with Prismic, but due to this „missing“ feature, I often have to use a different CMS for client projects.
I‘d love to hear your thoughts on that :)
Hey @nativv ,
By default, all Prismic content is exportable, because it's delivered as JSON on the API. If you need to conveniently fetch data from Prismic, you could write a script to grab data from the API. Prismic's native Export feature is designed to specifically export content that is properly formatted for re-importing to Prismic.
We've heard in the past that users want an Import feature to easily integrate data from a third party or a database, which is part of the inspiration behind Integration Fields.
In our experience, Import/Export is a feature that has been most requested by enterprise clients, so it has made the most sense to make it available on bigger plans.
However, I don't say any of this because I don't think you have a valid suggestion! I would love to know more about your use case, and how it does or doesn't fit with our existing features.
Hi Sam,
thanks for getting back to me
Some of my clients feel restricted because they cannot export their data in a format like CSV (in a standardized form.)
They would like to have a way to get their data in and out of Prismic. An export option would allow them to archive their posts/page content locally or transfer it between repositories.
I could create a custom script to fetch the API and create a CSV from it, but since there is no way to get it back into the CMS, that wouldn't make much sense.
It would be most convenient to have the option to select documents and export them as CSV. This feature would perfectly integrate into the bulk actions. Also, it would be great to have an «Import» button next to the create new in the writing room.
Best regards
Hi @nativv ,
Thanks for the details
The ability to export data for an archive makes perfect sense to me.
We don't have plans to add an export-as-CSV feature. I think the Rest API might actually be a superior way to do this, because you can specify how you would want to flatten your data for a spreadsheet.
(I was thinking about this last week, actually, and I started writing a Google Sheets script to fetch Prismic data — screenshots below.)
You mention "transferring data between repositories" and "having an 'import' button in the writing room." Could you say more about when these would be useful? Who would use those features, and what for?
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Can you Explain more about this?
I would love to be able to have my blog posts saved in a Google sheets as well.
Hi Sam, can you give us more info about how to change something in bulk, i have a client asking if they can make a Google sheet of all the pages and there meta fields and then i change all the meta info on all the pages automatically or is that not possible.
Hey @filip
The Import Export feature in Prismic allows you to update batches of documents with their JSON structure. However, it's important to note that this process requires careful consideration as the repository needs to be set up correctly for the import to work seamlessly.
You can export your documents into JSON files using the Import Export feature, and from there, you could theoretically use these files to make changes in a different app, like Sheets. However, handling these JSON files outside of Prismic's context is beyond the scope of Prismic's documentation.
I would recommend exercising caution when performing bulk updates with this feature and testing the changes on a separate environment before applying them to a production repository.
Thanks @pau for the clarification.