"Infinite scroll" does not trigger on tall displays

I use a 4K screen and often have a browser window taking up the whole left or right half of it. This might also occur if a user has zoomed out, or if they have turned their display into portrait orientation.

When I view a list of documents in Prismic I see the "loading" animation at the bottom but loading more has not actually been triggered; nothing loads. I cannot scroll up or down to trigger it, because I can see the entire page. I'm forced to resize the window or enter responsive design mode or zoom in just to get a scrollbar so I can see more results.

I reported this a year or more ago but the bug still exists.

Hey @bart ,

Thanks for re-flagging this. The dev team is working on this issue now, so you should see a fix soon.


Hey @bart ,

Just an update on this: we're now deploying an interface refresh, which includes a fix to the infinite scroll. The refresh centers around our new "Bulk Actions" feature, but includes some other minor changes like this one. It's now deployed on one or two features, and will roll out to all users in the coming weeks and months.


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