Prismic UI does not have paginated content for integration fields

I created some integration fields. So far the integration works fine. I created a paginated dummy API with something like 230 entries. After connecting the appropriate integration field to a custom type I can list my custom content when creating a document. But in the prismic UI I only see like 20 entries of my content. When I use the search on top of the list I can find all my 230 entries (I created generic names like Artist 1, Artist 2, ...). But I have to know what I am looking for since browsing through all the entries is not possible. I would expect something like a pagination or an infinite scroll feature in the list. Am I missing something here?

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HI @bastianschadeberlin, thanks for reaching out about this. You aren’t missing anything. At the moment you need to use the search to find the item you’re looking for. But I can see how having some sort of pagination might be helpful.

I will let the @features-team know about this and we will add this to our feature request tracker as a possible improvement for the future. We don’t have any plans to work on this right now, but we will let you know here if that changes at any point.

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This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.

I would like to stress a little more on this topic. It is good to see that you flagged it as an feature request. But I rather think of this as an bug. Not beeing able to "infinite scroll" through the integration fields (which is now possible in other parts of prismic content) almost renders them useless in our use case. We have thousands of images and our editors have to search for IDs we provide which makes the use of the integration fields very cumbersome.

Hey Bastian,

Thanks for reaching out about this again.

I appreciate how this could be frustrating if you are using integration fields as an image management system. Though this isn't really the intended use for integration fields, it's intended use is product catalogues for e-commerce.

I'm going to see if the the product team, maybe @renaud has any opinion on this. But I would imagine that they would rather implement a more robust system for integrating external image systems rather extending the capabilities of integration fields as a work around. Though hopefully they can be clarify that.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your use case though. Can you give me more details about your use case? Is it just images you are loading? What image provider are you using? Is there something missing from our default image library and processor that doesn't meet your needs?


We have different entities. Images is just one thing. We also have artworks, artists and so on. The entities are handled in external systems but should be connected to content pages in Prismic. The way of bringing those entities into Prismic with integration fields works in general really good. Except of the way of finding entities which have similar names. For example if you want to find artworks of a specific artist: Our api adds the artist name to the artwork entity, so you find them by putting the artist name into the search field for artworks. But since the integration fields only render like 20 entries you have to add more to the search field. To do so you have to be aware of more information like the artwork name or ID. It would be nice to browse through all entries the search found with a pagination or infite scroll. It is unusual that a search can find many entries but only displays 20 and there is no way of paginate to the rest of the search results.

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Thank you very much for the detailed feedback, this makes it very clear on exactly why you need this functionality.

I've discussed this with Renaud and it seems it's something that the team already want to implement. It will most likely be taken on by one of our teams at the beginning of next year. That being said I can't give any exact date on when this will be done. So for now it's planned but not being worked on.

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That sounds great! Thanks for taking care of this. Keep us posted on the progress :smile:

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This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.