Last Update Incorrect

Impacted feature

Repository Dashboard
On the repository dashboard, the last update # days reports the incorrect number of days (time since last update).

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I don't believe there are any steps I can take. I did clear cache and cookies and tried another browser to see if it might be those items.


No errors are present in the console or in the UI

Hi Neil,

This is an issue that we're aware of and tracking:

Thanks again for point this out.

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Hi @Phil
I appreciate that the issue is only "medium" priority. I do see that it is also not assigned to anyone. This is one of those small quality of life issues that is client facing. We then have to say that it's beyond our control when we explain this. :crossed_fingers:it would be an "easy" fix, perhaps. Hope you had a great week.

Hi Neil,

I've added your message to the ticket.

Is this just me seeing this issue still?

Hi @nf_mastroianni,

It's not just you! Because of higher priorities around the build, notably the new 'search' and deploying the new document list (which this is related to), resolving this bug has been lower on our priority list. Nonetheless, I've passed on your message and other user reports to our dev team to notify them it's still a problem.