I'm currently working in a fintech project and we have some onboarding questions and answers and we want our editors to be able to change them let's say add new questions, add new answers, or change the text of existing ones, etc. The thing is that those questions and answers are being saved to our database and being provided through an API built in Rails to a ReactJs frontend. So I wanted to know if there's anyway in which the content being managed through your platform to be saved in a database?
Hey Hector, welcome to the community, glad to see you join!
I will be very happy to help you today. We have many resources that can help you understand how Prismic works and learn how to use it in your projects.
Prismic gives you the freedom to create repositories. These repositories are working spaces where you build the Custom Types that shape your API structure. Once your Custom Types are made, your editors have complete freedom to create all the documents they need.
The endpoint of your repository gives you access to the 'database' of your content. You can use this endpoint on almost any technology you can think of, including, of course, Ruby and React.js.
I recommend the following reads if you are interested in learning more about how Prismic works.