Migration Prismic d'un projet Nuxt 2.15.8 avec slicemachine 1.26.0

I have a big web project developed under Nuxt 2.15.8 with a version of slicemachine at 1.26.0 that I would like to redo from scratch with the latest version of Nuxt (3.13).
So I will start from a new Nuxt 3.x project BUT I would like to be able to recover all the customTypes and associated documents from my old project.
What do you advise me to do please?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @ricou,

To start from scratch with Nuxt 3 and Prismic while keeping your existing models and content, I would recommend the following process:

  1. Setup your Nuxt project normally (npx nuxi@latest init)
  2. Initialize Slice Machine inside your Nuxt project, targeting your existing repository (npx @slicemachine/init@latest), this will pull in your existing custom types locally under a customtypes directory.
  3. Copy over your existing slices (usually located under a ~/slices slice folder)

After those, when launching Slice Machine (npm run slicemachine) there should be no changes in the changes tab, meaning models you have locally are in sync with the ones over on Prismic.

From here you're free to pick up development and start rebuilding your website from scratch, while still sourcing the exact same content from Prismic.

Let us know if that helps you! Happy to elaborate further on specific steps of the process as needed.

Good morning,
It's perfect, it worked straight away.
Great product and great support team.
Thanks again!

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