Migration - Same prismic repo, different codebase - Procedure?


I was wondering if there's a specific process to migrate - not in/out of Prismic - but changing the codebase plugged to an existing prismic repository.

Just pointing our new codebase to the old repository would do the job? Or is there a risk of lost data here?


Hi Marving,

As long as you don't change anything on the Prismic side, there's no risk of data loss. Like you said just point the new code at the existing repo.

Let me know if you need any help.


Thanks Phil!

I'll try that! What about the slices? Would they be auto generated too when pointing the existing Prismic repo in the new code?

Your project reads the API content and matches the Slice content to the local Slice components. It's up to you to code the Slice components to use the API IDs.

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