Transferring the repository to the client's account

Hello. I have a repository in my account where I was developing a website for a client. Upon completing the development, I need to transfer this repository from my account to the client's account in Prismic. I can't figure out how this process works. Will the migration be handled through your support team, or is it something I can do myself? I would greatly appreciate your response. Thanks

Hi @oleksii,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

You can transfer the repository's ownership in the repository's settings under Settings > Users. Keep in mind that you will then lose complete access to it - if you need to otherwise have several users, you can do so on any paid plans.

hi @Ezekiel
I understand that I can transfer ownership. I wonder if it is possible to transfer the repository itself to the client's account?

Once you transfer ownership, the repository will show up on their dashboard when they log in to their account. Is that what you mean, or something else?

now I understand, thanks, that's what I needed :heart:. I also wanted to ask if I transfer ownership to the customer in order to support the project in the future, will I need to change the prismic data locally in the code to the client data?

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Awesome! Regarding what needs changing, you would only need to change what is Prismic-account specific, and it's very rare that there's any of this in the code at all. Usually the transfers of ownership happen without hiccup.

Of course as a reminder the only thing is the code is completely separate from the repository in terms of access and maintenance, so for example the customer in this case won't be able to create new custom types or use the Slice Machine. That shouldn't come up often or at all, but it's the only thing I can think of that would be up to you and not on any of their accounts :slight_smile:

understood, that is, if the client needs to change something, for example, add a custom types, he will ask me about it? Or for example changing some markup or styles, will I be able to do that and maintain it?

Yes exactly, they won't be able to do that themselves, but whoever has access to the base code will still be able to change styles and the likes and maintain the code of the project. However, to make new custom types (and anything that touches on the Slice Machine) and push them to the repository, you will need to be a part of it either via a paid plan (the lowest tier allows for 3 users), or by taking the ownership back. You can transfer the repository as many times as you want if needed :slight_smile:

thank you very much You helped me a lot :pray:

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A pleasure! If you have any other questions at any point, don't hesitate to reach out, we're happy to help :slight_smile:

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hi again, need your help :pray: I transferred the rights to the repository to the customer. The repository is now in his prismic account. But I can't make changes to slices or types locally. What could be the problem? can I continue to work locally in slicemachine and push changes to its repository? :roll_eyes:

Hi @oleksii,

This is what I was referring to here:

You can either take the repository back, or pay for a Starter plan to have up to 3 users at once on the repository. It's up to you :slight_smile:

I understand correctly that even if the customer provided me with a login and password for his account, I still cannot connect to him locally?

If you're connected to his Prismic account, you should be able to push the changes from Slice Machine. Try logging off of the account, clearing your cache/cookies, and restarting your local browser, making sure that when you access the Slice Machine, you're logged in to the account linked with the repository and it should work :slight_smile: