New editor: accessing version history


We activated the new editor on our developer's repo before activating on our production. I see that we can't access the version history of our documents anymore.
On the right column of the UI, I see the publication status and last update but I cannot click on it or consult the previous versions with the list of edits anymore.
Is it a bug or did you completely remove the feature? We use it quite a lot as we have a lot of different users.


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Hi @laurine.flavigny,

The feature is temporarily unavailable and we aim to have a first version of it available soon (ideally before the end of the year). We'll give you an update when it has been shipped.


Hey @laurine.flavigny, i'm curious, i'm seeing that the Visual Editing feature of the new page builder is not enabled.

You can see it here

Is there any specific reason why it's not the case ?


When is this going to be available? Now you are forcing to use the new UI and it is a lot of switch back to Legacy editor in order to access the features you are still missing. Not quite a great experience

Hi Consuelo, the Page Builder has been disabled on your repo. I'll post an update when the revision history is available (it should be coming soon).
