Newbie with Prismic

First of all I would like to introduce myself and say that I am newbie in prismic.

I have integrated prismic with an existing laravel project, following the documentation (01-getting-started/
When I am trying to query my prismic's repository (Open API Licensed under ....), I got a fatal error (Symfony\Component\DebugException\FatalThrowableError: Call to undefined method Ivory\HttpAdapter\Configuration::getEventDispatcher() in file vendor/prismic/php-sdk/src/Prismic/
Api.php on line 361) when calling Api::get('');

Digging in the code, I can see that the origin of the problem is becase of:
$httpAdapter = is_null($httpAdapter) ? self::defaultHttpAdapter() : $httpAdapter;

Which is a public function inside the same file.

public static function defaultHttpAdapter()
$configuration = new Configuration();

    $configuration->getUserAgent('Prismic-php-kit/' . self::VERSION . ' PHP/' . phpversion());

    // We need to add the subscriber to have errors on 4.x.x and 5.x.x.
    $statusCodeSubscriber = new StatusCodeSubscriber();

    return new CurlHttpAdapter($configuration);

I have tried with different repositories and I got always the same problem.
As my repository is Open under license I do no pass any token, can be that the problem?
Anyone can point me to the right direction?

Thank you

Hello @joaquin.giraldez, the PHP kit is part of our open-source technologies. You can open an issue in the GitHub repository for any bugs or errors you find: