NPM Install Error Appears to be Due to Prismic-Vue

I have a production app that has been working quite well for some time now on heroku. This morning, I tried to push up an update and the build was suddenly failing with the below error in the heroku logs.

  'npm ERR! code 128
   npm ERR! Command failed: git checkout [key]
   npm ERR! fatal: reference is not a tree: [key]
   npm ERR! '

I decided to delete node_modules and my package-lock.json and npm install and, according to the debug logs, it keeps failing at this point:

'silly fetchPackageMetaData error for prismic-vue@git+ Command failed: git checkout nuxt'

Any help would be appreciated. I haven't had any problems like this ever, so I'm a bit unclear as to how best to move forward.

Hi Team,

Nice to see you again.

So the issue here is that you're using an old branch of the vue.js kit which was used before we had first-class nuxt.js support with a dedicated kit 2 years ago, the team had removed this branch recently as they were cleaning up the Github which is what caused your issue.

They have re-activated it to unblock you, but I would suggest you migrate to the new @nuxt/prismic plugin as we will deprecate this branch completely in August. We have created a migration here, this process is actually quite quick:


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