I managed to get the previews up and running, thanks for making it easy to connect up.
However, when I make some edits and save, and press the view icon, my previews always redirect me to my root/home page example.com. Let's say I am having a blog subdirectory example.com/blog, and whenever I update my page, I want to preview that particular page on my site, so the exact URL to test would be example.com/blog/some-unique-slug.
I want to immediately preview how that individual page looks like... How do I go about doing this?
It sounds like you haven't updated your linkresolver so your application can't find the correct document. You can read about this and other common tripping points here:
For anyone in future looking for a hint, I had an empty link-resolver.js due to this tutorial (Installation - @nuxtjs/prismic). The link that @Phil posted above contains the one that should be used instead to redirect your previews.
Perhaps this can be better noted in the documentation
Hi @Phil , sorry for re-opening this thread. I thought this was particularly related to this exact thread.
I managed to setup previews and it works great for saved and published pages (I get an immediate refresh of the data inside the preview).
However, I seem to run into the issue of 404 page not found error, when I try to create a new page and preview it. I suspect this could be because my NuxtJS site is statically generated. Do you think I could get some advice on this? (I'm using preview with Netlify similar to the documentation, and when I create a new blog post example.com/blog/test, it couldn't find that new route.)
Edit: Going from example.com/blog to example.com/blog/test seems to work, but directly entering the new test post example.com/blog/test throws the "page not found" error. Are there any ways around this?