Please add a "blockquote" block to the rich text field

Please add a blockquote block to the rich text field.

I'm really surprised it doesn't already exist, given how common it is to have pullquotes and the like in blog posts.

I know that I can add custom labels and apply a "blockquote" label to a paragraph, but this comes with various drawbacks:

  • It's not a good developer experience. I need to write a custom HTML serializer to turn the output of this into semantic HTML.
  • It's not a good content editor experience. The labels feature suffers from poor UI. There's nothing stopping a user from adding the blockquote label to a span rather than to a paragraph, which would be invalid. It's not obvious after adding the label that it's there.

My current workaround is to provide a custom slice just for blockquotes. This is fine for content types where I have a slicezone for running rich text anyway, but sometimes I want to allow arbitrary rich text including blockquotes in an area where a slicezone doesn't make sense to have, or where a slicezone exists but is for a difference purpose.



Yes, including blockquotes and much more editing options is something we have had in mind for a while now and we're planning to do so in the future. We want to do an overhaul to the Rich text field. We've. already talked about this before in other threads, like this one:

I'll mark your post as a feature request as well


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Thanks. Good to hear.

I did see some of those threads, but I couldn't add my voice since they're all closed!

I can vouch for this need as well. I've been wading through docs and reading this issue, and I can create a label and style it accordingly, but the problem is with the way the data is returned from the API.

A basic and classic use case is a blockquote that contains multiple paragraphs. In standard HTML, you would put the <blockquote> tag (which, very ironically, is available in the editor in which I'm writing this comment) before the entire block of paragraphs, and the closing <blockquote> tag after the last paragraph. However, when using a label on multiple paragraphs, each paragraph is returned as a separate paragraph with a separate class, so instead of being able to target and style one large block, you have to target each individual paragraph and try to style it in a way that makes it look like one large block. Very frustrating, especially on a blog site where I do lots of quoting.


This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.

Hey, @steve1 & @bart this is in the plans for the future on our side yes. For the moment i would recommend using a slice instead of a label that will make your implementation easier.


Hey, Just bumping this discussion as this seems to be a very basic core feature that's highly requested and has been totally missing for a good long while now

Yes, there are alternative ways to work this into the flow that require complicating the setup for the end user (editor) either by adding labels (which are highly missable and I think not even a core part of slicemachines), or using slices which totally changes how the rich text field works (it's basically not rich text at all any more)


Hey @dan

At the moment there is still no news about its development. You can follow the journey of the features we are working on on our progress page. What's new - Prismic.

Thank you for showing your interest.

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Here to show my support for blockquote as well! I was quite surprised to see it wasn't available in rich text fields yet.

I'd rather not create workarounds for it.

If I'm not mistaken, the html <code> tag is also missing. I suppose <pre> could be used instead.

Some other useful tags I'd love to see:

  • <abbr>
  • <details> + <summary>
  • <table> and its associated tags (the current workaround seems like a less than ideal editing experience.)

If you're open to suggestions regarding <table>, the authoring experience on HubSpot could be a great inspiration: Insert a table in a rich text module

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Hello @eddyvinck95

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We are already tracking it as a feature request, and as Renaud said, this is in the plans for the future on our side.

I understand creating a table in Prismic requires effort for editors, and I like your suggestion regarding <table>. We usually recommend using a third-party service for creating a table.

Yes, you can use the <pre> tag for the <code> tag.


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Hi @Priyanka, I've checked out the "What's New" page but there's not currently anything showing for me in "testing", "beta", or "in the works".

I too am really keen to see some additional ways to format the rich text - I've been trying to get "labels" working but each time I modify my model.json file my Slice Machine UI refuses to let me push it to Prismic. I was hoping to see something about this or things like blockquote in the product roadmap, can you update us where things like these features are?

Hey @marc2, you can use labels in Rich Text fields with the latest version. Which error are you seeing?
The progress page displays our latest and soon-to-be-released features, so that's why maybe you don't see each feature request there.