We use the gatsby source prismic plugin (GitHub - prismicio/prismic-gatsby: Gatsby plugins for building websites using Prismic) and recently moved to v5. We notice that our previews break when we add a custom type because it throws a "no type for path" error. See also this issue: No type for path · Issue #512 · prismicio/prismic-gatsby · GitHub
I understand that the preview feature wants all types to be somewhere, but this is really annoying for us. Here is a minimum example that highlights this:
1: You have prismic running on a production site. Content editors are updating content and previewing all the time.
2: Someone updates the type in Prismic because of a future new text thing
3: Production previews are broken until developers release a new version
When in this example the content editors want to preview something, it doesn't have to crash, because the new type cannot be visible on the website by definition (it's usage is not in the code yet). So why crash? Why not just ignore the type.
Could the throw be removed? Or at least an option added to either throw (default behaviour if it makes sense for other use cases) or ignore, so we can set that option. We now have to fork the repo to remove the throw...
Thanks a lot!