Set up Prismic with Graphql in Nuxt

Does anyone have an example of how to set up and connect Prismic with Graphql in Nuxt?

I found this repo: GitHub - Ridez/nuxt-prismic-graphql: Prismic Nuxt example website .However, this set up was like almost a year ago so I am not sure if this is still a good way to set up?

Hello, and welcome to the Prismic community forum!

We currently do not have a project that uses GraphQL. Our three available example projects use the REST API to query the data:

We have Slice Machine, a new way of creating projects out of the box using Prismic and Nuxt (also NextJS). Take a look at the Nuxt Slice Machine docs!

This issue has been closed due to inactivity.

Seems that this is really needed. GraphQL is really familiar for people to many devs now.

Thanks for joining the conversation @james0r. It's true that it'll be a good thing to have in the future, I'll mark this conversation as a feature request so we can keep track of it.