Setting API browser language

I am trying to use the API browser to query our prismic content.
But I can't set the language parameter.
I have read the documentation which tells me to write lang=fr-fr
I write something similar and press enter but it does not add this as a parameter.

So how do I set the language?

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Hi Magnus,

Welcome to the community!

So in the article where it says:

To specify a particular language you want in a query, simply add the "lang" parameter to the query string and set it to the language code you are querying (example, "en-us" for American English).

It means you need to add the language code...

... to the end of the URL string like so:[[at(document.type%2C+"page")]]&lang=en-us

Let me know if this makes sense.


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Hi Phil,

Yes that is easy to do. It works.


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