Slice fields not available to query with GraphQL in sveltekit project

Hi! I am trying to fetch repeatable data from a slice using GraphQL, however when I use the explorer it says that fields (or primary) can't be queried on my slice type. I have published content and made sure that the API IDs are all lower cased according to the bug reports for fetching slice data.

Appreciate any help on this matter. As I understand from the documentation I should be able to query primary and fields on the same level as type and level.

Hi Tania,

You might get this error if your slice has a variation, then your query might look like:

  allAbouts {
    edges {
      node {
        slices {
          ... on AboutSlicesAbout_block {
            variation {
              ... on AboutSlicesAbout_blockDefault {
                fields {
                   // ...

Give that a try and let me know if it helps.


Hi Sam! Thank you for reply. I only have the default variation, which is why I didn't think it was necessary to define. When I do it the way you suggest I still get an error for fields. The graphQL explorer is suggesting "items" instead, which is now working for me, so all good! Although bit confusing as I see no mentioning av items in the documentation. However in the Slice Machine I can see that the IDs are named like so


Please see attachment for reference of explorer.