🐛 Slice types not appearing in GraphQL

I recently had my repo migrated over to a new cluster so that I can use GraphQL. The content types are appearing, but there seems to be an issue with slice types.

query CaseStudy($slug: String!) {
  caseStudy: allCase_studys(uid: $slug) {
    edges {
      node {
        _meta {

        # ... truncated

        body {
          ... on Case_studyBodySubtitleslicetype {
            # primary and fields are not available

          ... on Case_studyBodyFulltextslicetype {
            # primary and fields are not available

          # ... truncated

I also tried:

But have no success.

Hi @bashaus,

Welcome to the Prismic community, and thanks for posting your question here :slight_smile:

I'm not sure what's causing the problem here, so I submitted an issue to our dev team. I'll let you know what I hear back. In the meantime, let me know if you have any other questions.


Hi @samlittlefair

Is there an ETA or timeline of when this should be resolved?

Hey @bashaus,

I just heard back from our dev team. They looked into it, and figured out that capital letters in your fields IDs can cause errors with our GraphQL API. Can you try lowercasing your API IDs and see if that makes a difference?


Is there a way to rename the API ID of a field without copying and pasting everything manually?

Hey Bash,

The easiest way is with the import/export feature, which is available starting on the Medium Plan. Simply download an export of your repo, change the API IDs in the custom types, change the corresponding API IDs in the exported files, and then re-upload them. Here's more info on making such a change:

Let me know if you have any other questions!


This issue has been closed as it has been fixed, Flag if it is not the case for you to reopen.