Hey Team,
It's been a long time since we updated you on what we're currently working on for Slice Machine. The truth is that that we've been working for two months now on a fascinating addition, and we didn't want to spoil the surprise. We will reveal all in due time during or next product meetup the 28th of October, so if you want to know more it's free, so sign up now.
Anyway, we are continuing to release new improvements, and we wanted to update you on the new shiny things for Slice Machine and how you could help us move forward for the next release.
Please read the end of this article if you're interested in helping us for the next features. (TLDR: We are looking for alpha testers that could provide us feedback on improvements that we are porting to slices)
Support Of Nuxt Storybook
We are in love with Storybook here at prismic.io and, we think that every developer who uses it will fall in love too. That's why we decided to integrate Storybook by default on all Slice Machine projects. For each component created with Slice Machine, we are autogenerating documentation in your project for free. This process was already working with Next.js, but we were struggling with integrating it with Nuxt.js. It seems that we were not the only ones seeing the opportunity and the teams from Nuxt & Storybook worked together on a module to integrate both technologies seamlessly. We can now rely on this work to have Storybook integrated into every Slice Machine projects. (Even with Nuxt.js)
Use your external library to start your Slice Machine project.
We talked about it previously and are this close to releasing a feature allowing you to quickstart a Slice Machine project with your own Slice library. The process will be simple. Just type the command prismic
sm --setup --lib my-npm-dep
Want to see more ? You can find all the details here:https://github.com/prismicio/slice-machine/issues/25
Shared Slices
We revealed, during our first product meetup, one of the most significant updates that you requested for slices is on coming. We are actively working on making shared slices a reality. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, let me give you some details.
One of the great things about slices is that you can create a component and then use it anywhere in your website. But one of the pain points that this has created, is the fact that you might update a slice in one custom type, only to find that this change has not been reflected everywhere else.
To solve this problem, we are introducing Shared Slices. This update will fix this in the most straightforward way possible by allowing you to update every version of a slice when you change one custom type.
You can play a part in this. We are looking for people that can provide us some feedback on the early version. If you're interested in being one of the first people to discover the feature and provide feedback. Sign Up for Prismic Research Studies
If you want to read more about the other improvements that we are bringing to Slices, or see more in a video, you can watch our full product meetup about Slices here or read this article that sums up everything.
Update on Nuxt.js Documentation
All this work doesn't mean anything if you can not have proper documentation on how it will impact your work. Our Education team worked very hard on updating the full Docs of Slice Machine. A new look and new content to make the learning process smoother while using Slice Machine.
See you in two weeks for more news. In the meantime, you can follow our progress on the Slice Machine github here :